Language update: Russian

Thanks to Shamaiev Stepan (aka SKiPP) for updating Russian translation of µRemote.

To Install:
Unzip into uRemote's folder and replace (uRemote should not be running).

Updated installer and zip

I've updated the installer and zip with Italian corrections and the new Dutch translation.

You won't be notified of this, 'cause is a minor change.

Also there are other minor cosmetic fixes:
  • 'Filter by label' textbox is more width
  • Some partially hidden textbox in Preferences
F11 issue is also fixed.

Language update: Italian

Thanks to Giovanni Adamo for updating Italian translation of µRemote.

To Install:
Unzip into uRemote's folder and replace (uRemote should not be running).

New language: Dutch

Thanks to Jeroen Bobbeldijk for translating µRemote to Dutch.

Download Dutch translation for µRemote

To Install:
Unzip into uRemote's folder.