µRemote 2.1.1 is out!

  • ADD: loading torrent status.
  • ADD: timeout request customization.
  • ADD: new languages: Polish (Thanks to maTTi) and Swedish (Thanks to Petrus Lundberg).
  • FIX: test connection not using defined proxy settings.
  • FIX: some missing strings to translate.
  • FIX: month display in logger.
  • FIX: additional checkouts to 'check for updates'.
  • FIX: bring to front when relaunching and it's minimized in tray.
  • CHANGE: sorting by queue order now acts like in uTorrent.
  • CHANGE: loading torrents now occurs synchronously but in a background thread.
  • CHANGE: show 'unlimited' instead of 0 kB/s in global speed menu.
Hope you like it.

Another Resx editor for translators


I'm working on my own Resx Editor, it's called Simple Resx Editor. I would love to hear some feedback.


Language update: Norwegian

Thanks to Robert A. Hestetun for completing the Norwegian translations (nn-NO and nb-NO).

New Language: Swedish

Thanks to Petrus Lundberg for translating µRemote to Swedish.

µRemote 2.1 er ute!

Endringar og nytt:

  • FIKS: feil visning av tider i log fanen (miks mellom 24 timars format og AM/PM)
  • FIKS: feil tvunget kjeldedelings ikon
  • ENDRA: forbetring av nokre metodar i høve til torrent status (lågare prosessor bruk)
  • ENDRA: 'sorter etter merkelapp' tekstboksen har nå fått vannmerke (dessverre enda på engelsk, vonar å få ordna dette snart)
  • NYTT: ny hurtig tast Ctrl + A: vel alle torrentar
  • NYTT: ny hurtig tast Ctrl + O: legg til torrent dialog boks
  • NYTT: status informasjon for tilkopla server
  • NYTT: venstre klikk på global opp-/nedlastingshastigheit for å stille denne*
*du kan endre verdien for dette under Innstillingar, Generelt fanen (skil mellom verdiane ved bruk av komma). Merk at du ikkje kan sjå kva som er gjeldande verdi, dette vil bli lagt til i kommande versjon av µRemote.

µRemote 2.1 is out!

  • FIX: incorrect display of times in logger tab (mix of 24 hours format and AM/PM)
  • FIX: incorrect forced seeding icon
  • CHANGE: improved a few methods relative to torrents status (lower cpu usage)
  • CHANGE: 'filter by label' textbox now has a watermark
  • ADD: new hotkey Ctrl + A: select all torrents
  • ADD: new hotkey Ctrl + O: add torrent dialog
  • ADD: status information for connected server
  • ADD: left click on global upload/download speed to set global upload/download speed*
*you can set those values in Preferences, General tab (separate values with comma). Also notice that you can't see what value is currently set, i'll add that on next version.