µRemote 2.3.1 is out!

  • FIX: token support partially broken (freezes µRemote after 30 minutes or so).
  • ADD: you can now drag and drop torrents in main window to load them
Thanks to Tyron Gower for providing precious bandwidth and diskspace.


Unknown said...

There is some issue about this version.
1. version is displayed 2.3 in about.
2. program keep crash when add new torrent. Previous version is work fine.

Unknown said...

As my previous post, after I upgrade uTorrent webui to 0.362, it seems work fine now.
The crash is cause by 0.361 webui?

Matías said...

1) Yes, i'll fix that
2) I'm using 0.361 and I don't see any crash ... if it happens again, send me an email with the log error.


Anonymous said...

Stopped working

Сигнатура проблемы:
Имя события проблемы: CLR20r3
Сигнатура проблемы 01: uremote.exe
Сигнатура проблемы 02:
Сигнатура проблемы 03: 4ab82514
Сигнатура проблемы 04: mscorlib
Сигнатура проблемы 05:
Сигнатура проблемы 06: 4a275af7
Сигнатура проблемы 07: c3d
Сигнатура проблемы 08: 5f
Сигнатура проблемы 09: System.OverflowException
Версия ОС: 6.1.7600.
Код языка: 1058

Anonymous said...

Сигнатура проблемы:
Имя события проблемы: APPCRASH
Имя приложения: uRemote.exe
Версия приложения:
Отметка времени приложения: 4ab82514
Имя модуля с ошибкой: KERNELBASE.dll
Версия модуля с ошибкой: 6.1.7600.16385
Отметка времени модуля с ошибкой: 4a5bdaae
Код исключения: e0434f4d
Смещение исключения: 00009617
Версия ОС: 6.1.7600.
Код языка: 1058
Дополнительные сведения 1: 1d32
Дополнительные сведения 2: 1d32409995138d855a2b9bb446ccc159
Дополнительные сведения 3: bd92
Дополнительные сведения 4: bd92becdde1f92cda004092bfde37325

tavi said...

Hi, great job.
It's possible to show trackers like ratio, or name or progress, and sort?
Best regards

Matías said...

@anon, i'll need more info than that. Send me an email please.

@tavi, the thing with that is that sometimes there's more than just one tracker. Anyway I'll come up with a new feature in next version that will help u classify your torrents based on the tracker (and other things).

tavi said...

Thanks in advance, I often use the classification by tracker, I think is a useful option for everyone.
Best regards,

Matías said...

@tavi, if you want, send me an email, you can betatest that feature.


Unknown said...

Still get crash, there is no error log. Or where can I found the error log??

Matías said...

See in uremote folder or in application data.

Bas said...

I love your work!
Works great with my htpc...

Anyway the program seems to crash with bigger .torrent files.(it does here)

Maybe you can add a feature to sort the list/priority?

Keep up the good work!

p.s. if you ever need a website, I mean prof website.
Follow my link, me as a student doesnt asks much! :)

John said...


uRemote crashes whenever I add a torrent that contains files of a large size (20GB+).

Other than that I have no issues with the application, love it :-)

Matías said...

If someone could provide me a torrent crashing uRemote, would be good to trace that issue. Use my email address (it's in the about window).


John said...

Sure. The ones I have been using in a real scenario are from a private tracker but I've found a torrent that's on a public tracker that also causes uRemote to crash.

I'll send it to you now :-)

Alexandr from Ukraine said...

Good work men, last update fork perfect in big torrent file, some trouble is torrent include source mkv or BD

Matías said...

@Bas, what do you mean with "Maybe you can add a feature to sort the list/priority?"?

You can already sort the torrents or files list by any column.

Bas said...

@ Matias,

Huhm, I mean the number under the # tab. To change the priority of the torrents. Cause mine only downloads the first 5 torrents, and I cant switch the 6th torrent to number 1.

Bleh, hard to explain since my english isn't great.

Matías said...

@Bas, oh! Got it. But that operation is not supported by uTorrent API.