µRemote 2.3.2 is out!

This release fixes an important bug that was crashing µRemote when adding big torrents.

  • FIX: crash with big torrents
  • FIX: show minor build number in about window
  • ADD: In new label window, press enter to save, escape to cancel
  • ADD: In main window, press Ctrl + L to open new label window
Thanks to Tyron Gower for providing precious bandwidth and diskspace.

µRemote 2.3.1 is out!

  • FIX: token support partially broken (freezes µRemote after 30 minutes or so).
  • ADD: you can now drag and drop torrents in main window to load them
Thanks to Tyron Gower for providing precious bandwidth and diskspace.

µRemote 2.3 is out!

  • FIX: Test connection not always working
  • FIX: Error when uploading a torrent if the webui username contains special characters
  • FIX: Window size issue after returning from maximized
  • ADD: Trackers tab
  • ADD: 4 more languages
Thanks to Tyron Gower for providing precious bandwidth and diskspace.

Downloads summary

For new people asking by email here's a summary:

  • Latest version is 2.3:
Download Zip

  • Here's a screenshot (with a custom theme):
You can use the same skin that you're using in µTorrent, the only catch is that you first need to convert it to transparent png. To do this job use AlphaConv. Place the resulting png with the correct name (toolbar.png or tstatus.png) on the same folder as uRemote.exe.

  • If you wanna make a new translation or improve an existing one, check this post.

Also remember, µRemote is freeware. If you wanna make a donation via paypal you can use any of the following links (depending on the amount you want to donate):
US$ 5 - US$ 7 - US$ 10 - Choose the amount

Feedback, suggestions and bug reports are always welcomed.